IT People who care about Small Business
Do you want worry free computer systems, without a heavy capital cost? Try Res-Q and discover why they are trusted by so many - small business IT Support Perth.
Small business IT Support Perth. We’re dedicated to our customers, consummate professionals who know that small business is a pressure cooker where small problems can become big issues. Our aim is to mitigate your risks, time wastage, and costs, where necessary, by doing all the tough decision making on your behalf.
We combat and conquer the challenges the organisations face today in the cyber space. We rescued, improved and streamlined a large number of businesses in Western Australia. Our customers say we are fast and efficient. And thanks to a system of checklists and feedback collection we have the best customer service operation in Australia.
Quick Response
We answer quickly - don't Wait Awhile. When you run the business you cannot afford to wait in a queue for longer than a few minutes.
Get to the root of the problem
The most critical part of an investigation or when troubleshooting faults is to find the actual cause of the problem. We get to the bottom of it
Res-Q Ecosystem
From Internet Connections, Hardware and Mobile eSIM supplies to domain hosting and Office 365 Licenses - we look after all the IT aspects of your business
From our Clients:
JAG Demolition has utilised the services of Nick and RESQ for a number of years and have found him to be extremely professional and knowledgeable. The service that he and his company offers is second to none and any issues we have encountered have been dealt with in a very timely manner.
We would have no hesitation in recommending RESQ.Elaine Bosenberg Tweet
Resq IT helped one of my clients that was having issues with their phone provider and their phone lines were down, resulting in their business losing clientele. For several weeks they were trying to deal directly with the phone company with success. The phone provider acknowledged that there was a fault, but the fault just couldn’t be found.
I contacted Resq IT and they took over and had the phone line back up and running within 48 hours.
They did a fantastic job – Well Done!
Evelyn Rosa
Aspire Business Centre
From the Owner:
Our job is to bring peace and order and to remove the emotions while dealing with the issue at hand. A number of our clients noticed how positive and helpful our team is. The quality support is not about an understanding of the hardware, or to have good troubleshooting skills. It is all about our ability to communicate, earn trust and make people relax while we do the magic.
The future is here,
let us help you lead the way
Get a free consultation
Wireless internet has revolutionised the way we work and enjoy leisure activities. But setting up great wifi coverage for your home or business can sometimes be frustrating, especially if you experience a weak signal or your wifi coverage cuts in and out.
These days, there are many ways that you can figure out how your wireless network is performing. The reality is that everyone’s wireless network is competing with everyone else’s wireless network, signals are being crossed, wireless channels are being confused. It helps to be using a channel that doesn’t have a lot of competing wireless networks using that same channel – and if you don’t want to know what this all means or just want to improve your wifi at home or the office – just give us a call and we will Rescue you
Here is what
If you experience issues with your wifi, you should consider having the professionals from RES-Q carry out a wifi analysis review. An IT expert specialising in wifi coverage can help to sort out issues such as:
- Channel congestion
- Poor coverage areas
- How to improve coverage and speed
Adjacent and co-channel interference can wreak havoc on the performance of your wireless internet network. Whether your business or home is suffering from channel congestion, this issue can be frustrating and difficult to fix.
RES-Q can help sort out your wireless network channel congestion issues. Contact us today for a free consultation!
Poor Coverage Areas
If your home or business has poor wifi coverage and you’ve tried fixing it by placing your router in a more central location, swapping your router for a more powerful one, installing a repeater and/or ensuring your neighbours aren’t stealing your wifi – then it might be time to hire a professional to carry out a wifi analysis review.
The Perth wireless network experts at RES-Q can sort out your poor wifi coverage – contact us today for a free consultation.
How to Improve Coverage and Speed
By booking a wifi analysis review with Perth’s RES-Q, you will be taking the first step to improving your wifi! We will be able to tell you how you can improve your coverage and speed, and then take steps to do this for you if required.
Don’t put up with channel congestion, poor coverage areas and overall terrible wifi in your home or place of business. In this digital age, the world runs on wifi, and you need a great connection whether you are carrying out important business or gaming online at home while your partner is watching Netflix.
The right technician can ensure your wireless network system works reliably and is easy to maintain. Your wifi network is your conduit to the rest of the world, and everyone from your staff to your customers to your family needs to use it to communicate. Don’t let a shoddy network let you down any longer!